Wednesday, February 6, 2013

C++ Examples - Cumulative Normal Distribution Function

Write a function to calculate N(x) the cumulative normal distribution with mean zero and variance one given by the formula
          1   ∫ x    2
N (x) =  √----    e−t ∕2dt
          2 π  −∞

Again, first we think about the stages of our program. We must choose a method to implement the integration, test and verify it. Once it is then applied to the problem we need to decide how to deal with the concept of infinity in this setting. First let use code up the integration method. To be able to check the method, you should choose a simple function with a known integral so that we can compare accuracy. Start with a new project and an empty cpp file.

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;

int main()
  // do nothing
  return 0;

Compile and check it runs. We are going to implement Simpson’s method for integration firstly on the sin function so that we can check the results. The method is given by

∫ b            h          n∑∕2−1
    f(x)dx ≈   -[f(a) + 2      f(a + 2jh)
 a             3           j=1
                   +4     f(a + (2j − 1)h) + f(b)]

Start by declaring the input parameters required by the method, including the number of steps and the integration range, and follow with the variables used inside such as the dummy integration variable s and the step size h. We should supply default values and initialise variables if required

  // number of steps
  int N=10;
  // range of integration
  double a=0,b=1.;
  // local variables
  double s,h,sum=0.;
  // inialise the variables

Next we need to add the first few terms and the last one to sum, before adding a loop to go over the rest.

  // add in the first few terms
  sum = sum + sin(a) + 4.*sin(a+h);
  // and the last one
  sum = sum + sin(b);

Note that we should really check that N is even as this method relies on that fact. Since we have already taken care of the terms for 0, 1 and N, the loop must run over the terms 2 up to and including N-1. Check your loop runs over the correct values before continuing

  // loop over terms 2 up to N-1
  for(int i=1;i<N/2;i++)
    s = a + 2*i*h;
    // check even terms
    cout << 2*i << " " << s << endl;
    s = s + h;
    // check odd terms
    cout << 2*i+1 << " " << s << endl;

Now add them in and check against the analytical solution.

int main()
  // number of steps
  int N=10;
  // range of integration
  double a=0,b=1.;
  // local variables
  double s,h,sum=0.;
  // inialise the variables
  // add in the first few terms
  sum = sum + sin(a) + 4.*sin(a+h);
  // and the last one
  sum = sum + sin(b);
  // loop over terms 2 up to N-1
  for(int i=1;i<N/2;i++)
    s = a + 2*i*h;
    sum = sum + 2.*sin(s);
    s = s + h;
    sum = sum + 4.*sin(s);
  // complete the integral
  sum = h*sum/3.;
  // output results
  cout << sum << " " << 1.-cos(b) << endl;
  return 0;

You should check accuracy by varying the value of N.

Next we are going to change this algorithm to solve the normal distribution. Do this in 2 steps, first go through and change all calls to the sin function by exp(-s*s/2.), then multiply the final result by 1/sqrt(2*pi). The result (for a=0 and b=1) should be 0.341345. Now we have to deal with infinity, so how can we integrate over infinity? For the normal distribution this is quite easy as it is an even function and we know that the integral between 0 and infinity is one half. So simply adding one half to the result of the integration between 0 and b gives the value of N(b) for all b. At this stage your code should look like

  // add in the first few terms
  sum = sum + exp(-a*a/2.) + 4.*exp(-(a+h)*(a+h)/2.);
  // and the last one
  sum = sum + exp(-b*b/2.);
  // loop over terms 2 up to N-1
  for(int i=1;i<N/2;i++)
    s = a + 2*i*h;
    sum = sum + 2.*exp(-s*s/2.);
    s = s + h;
    sum = sum + 4.*exp(-s*s/2.);
  // complete the integral
  sum = 0.5 + h*sum/3./sqrt(8.*atan(1.));
  // output results
  cout << sum << endl;

Now move this algorithm into a function with the definition

double normalDistribution(double x)

The last thing to take account of is what happens when x is either very large and positive or very large and negative. The best thing to do here is use analytical results and return 0 if x is large and negative and 1 if x if large and positive. Don’t forget to set the value of b to be x and choose a value of N sufficiently large to maintain accuracy.

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;

double normalDistribution(double x)
  if(x<-10.)return 0.;
  if(x>10.)return 1.;
  // number of steps
  int N=2000;
  // range of integration
  double a=0,b=x;
  // local variables
  double s,h,sum=0.;
  // inialise the variables
  // add in the first few terms
  sum = sum + exp(-a*a/2.) + 4.*exp(-(a+h)*(a+h)/2.);
  // and the last one
  sum = sum + exp(-b*b/2.);
  // loop over terms 2 up to N-1
  for(int i=1;i<N/2;i++)
    s = a + 2*i*h;
    sum = sum + 2.*exp(-s*s/2.);
    s = s + h;
    sum = sum + 4.*exp(-s*s/2.);
  // complete the integral
  sum = 0.5 + h*sum/3./sqrt(8.*atan(1.));
  // return result
  return sum;

int main()
  cout << "N(0)=" << normalDistribution(0.) << endl;
  cout << "N(1)=" << normalDistribution(1.) << endl;
  cout << "N(2)=" << normalDistribution(2.) << endl;
  return 0;

Here we needed to choose N=2000 to get close to double precision, meaning that a single function call is incredibly expensive. There are other, more efficient approximations out there. If you are using a compiler that is math library C99 compliant you will have access to the erfc function, which will give you double precision accuracy using the formula

        1     (    x  )
N (x) = --erfc  − √----
        2          2π

Unfortunately if you are using Visual Studio it is not yet implemented (might yet be in VS2013) so we need another method. One such method is described in West (2005) and they give a VB code implementation of the method. We are going to follow that method closely. Start with your empty program, I have included some benchmark values in comments to check against

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;

int main()
  // Benchmark values of N(x)
  // N(0) = 0.5
  // N(1) = 0.841344746068543
  // N(2) = 0.977249868051821
  return 0;

Compile and check the code runs with no output.

The algorithm is given by the following expressions

            √ ---      P(x)             10
N (x ) = 1 −  2πN  ′(x) -----,  0 ≤ x ≤  √--,
                       Q(x)              2
                    1      10
N (x) = 1 − N ′(x )-----,  √---<  x ≤ 37,
                  F (x )     2
N (x) = 1,   x > 37,
N (x) = 1 − N (− x),  x < 0.
where P, Q and F are polynomials, more details can be found in the examples sheet (click here). First declare and assign some of the variables needed for the calculation

  // calculate \sqrt{2\pi} upfront once
  double RT2PI = sqrt(4.0*acos(0.0));
  // calculate 10/\sqrt{2} upfront once
  double SPLIT = 10./sqrt(2);
  // enter coefficients for the polynomials P and Q
  double a[] = {220.206867912376,221.213596169931,112.079291497871,33.912866078383,6.37396220353165,0.700383064443688,3.52624965998911e-02};
  double b[] = {440.413735824752,793.826512519948,637.333633378831,296.564248779674,86.7807322029461,16.064177579207,1.75566716318264,8.83883476483184e-02};
  // calculate the value of N at x=1
  double x=1.;

where we have chosen x = 1 to test. Since we know what x is we don’t need to consider the 3 cases. Now calculate the polynomial expressions using a nested multiplication (important for accuracy) and we get

  double NDash = exp(-x*x/2.0)/RT2PI;
  double Px = (((((a[6]*x + a[5])*x + a[4])*x + a[3])*x + a[2])*x + a[1])*x + a[0];
  double Qx = ((((((b[7]*x + b[6])*x + b[5])*x + b[4])*x + b[3])*x + b[2])*x + b[1])*x + b[0];
  cout << Px << " " << Qx << " " << NDash << endl;
  // output is 594.522 2272.83 0.241971

the output you should expect is shown. We can now estimate the value of N(x)

  cout << 1 - exp(-x*x/2.0)*Px/Qx << endl;
  // output is 0.841344746068543

You now need to include the different cases, such as negative x, etc, and then move everything into a function. After some testing you should arrive at an algorithm that looks something like:

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
 *    A * * fast* and accurate polynomial approximation to $N(x)$ (double precision):
 *    $$ N(x)= 1-\sqrt{2\pi}N'(x)\frac{P(x)}{Q(x)}, \quad 0 \leq x\leq \frac{10}{\sqrt{2}},$$
 *    $$ N(x)= 1-N'(x)\frac{1}{F_4(x)}, \quad \frac{10}{\sqrt{2}} < x\leq 37,$$
 *    $$ N(x)= 1, \quad x > 37,$$
 *    $$N(x)=1-N(-x),\quad x<0.$$
 *    Here
 *    $$
 *    P(x) = \sum_{i=0}^6 a_i x^i, \quad \quad Q(x) = \sum_{i=0}^7 b_i x^i
 *    $$
 *    and the coefficients are:
 *    \begin{tabular}{lc||lc}
 *    \hline
 *    $a_0$ & 220.206867912376& $b_0$&440.413735824752 \\
 *    $a_1$ & 221.213596169931& $b_1$&793.826512519948 \\
 *    $a_2$ & 112.079291497871& $b_2$& 637.333633378831\\
 *    $a_3$ & 33.912866078383& $b_3$&296.564248779674 \\
 *    $a_4$ & 6.37396220353165& $b_4$&86.7807322029461 \\
 *    $a_5$ & 0.700383064443688& $b_5$& 16.064177579207\\
 *    $a_6$ & 0.0352624965998911& $b_6$&1.75566716318264 \\
 *    & & $b_7$& 0.0883883476483184\\
 *    \end{tabular}
 *    For the function $F_4(x)$ we use the recurrence relation
 *    $$
 *    F_0(x) = x + \frac{13}{20}
 *    $$
 *    $$
 *    F_{i}(x) = x + \frac{5-i}{F_{i-1}(x)} \quad \quad \text{for }i=1,2,3,4
 *    $$
 *    On entry x is a real value, and we return double precision estimate of the cummulative normal distribution
double normalDistribution(double x)
  // calculate \sqrt{2\pi} upfront once
  static const double RT2PI = sqrt(4.0*acos(0.0));
  // calculate 10/\sqrt{2} upfront once
  static const double SPLIT = 10./sqrt(2);
  static const double a[] = {220.206867912376,221.213596169931,112.079291497871,33.912866078383,6.37396220353165,0.700383064443688,3.52624965998911e-02};
  static const double b[] = {440.413735824752,793.826512519948,637.333633378831,296.564248779674,86.7807322029461,16.064177579207,1.75566716318264,8.83883476483184e-02};
  const double z = fabs(x);
  // Now N(x) = 1 - N(-x) = 1-\sqrt{2\pi}N'(x)\frac{P(x)}{Q(x)}
  //  so N(-x) = \sqrt{2\pi}N'(x)\frac{P(x)}{Q(x)}
  // now let \sqrt{2\pi}N'(z)\frac{P(x)}{Q(z)} = Nz
  // Therefore we have
  //     Nxm = N(x) = \sqrt{2\pi}N'(z)\frac{P(x)}{Q(z)} = Nz if x<0
  //     Nxp = N(x) = 1 - \sqrt{2\pi}N'(z)\frac{P(x)}{Q(z)} = 1-Nz if x>=0
  double Nz = 0.0;
  // if z outside these limits then value effectively 0 or 1 for machine precision
    // NDash = N'(z) * sqrt{2\pi}
    const double NDash = exp(-z*z/2.0)/RT2PI;
      // here Pz = P(z) is a polynomial
      const double Pz = (((((a[6]*z + a[5])*z + a[4])*z + a[3])*z + a[2])*z + a[1])*z + a[0];
      // and Qz = Q(z) is a polynomial
      const double Qz = ((((((b[7]*z + b[6])*z + b[5])*z + b[4])*z + b[3])*z + b[2])*z + b[1])*z + b[0];
      // use polynomials to calculate N(z)  = \sqrt{2\pi}N'(x)\frac{P(x)}{Q(x)}
      Nz = RT2PI*NDash*Pz/Qz;
      // implement recurrence relation on F_4(z) 
      const double F4z = z + 1.0/(z + 2.0/(z + 3.0/(z + 4.0/(z + 13.0/20.0))));
      // use polynomials to calculate N(z), note here that Nz = N' / F
      Nz = NDash/F4z;
  return x>=0.0 ? 1-Nz : Nz;

int main()
  cout << "N(0)=" << normalDistribution(0.) << endl;
  cout << "N(1)=" << normalDistribution(1.) << endl;
  cout << "N(2)=" << normalDistribution(2.) << endl;
  return 0;


   West, Graeme. Better approximations to cumulative normal functions. Wilmott Magazine, 9:70–76, 2005. URL